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The Top 10 Communication Skills To Include On Your Resume

When you're crafting your resume, it's easy to focus on technical skills, but don't overlook the power of communication skills. Employers value these soft skills because they help build relationships, resolve conflicts, and achieve common goals. Highlighting strong communication abilities on your resume can make you stand out from the crowd.

Key Takeaways

  • Active listening is about truly understanding what others are saying and showing you are engaged.
  • Empathy allows you to connect with others by understanding their feelings and perspectives.
  • Verbal communication involves clearly expressing your thoughts and ideas to others.
  • Written communication is essential for conveying information accurately through emails, reports, and other documents.
  • Nonverbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, and eye contact to support your message.

1. Active Listening


Active listening is a crucial communication skill that involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully. This skill is essential for effective communication in both personal and professional settings. By practicing active listening, you show respect and empathy towards the speaker, which can help build stronger relationships.

Here are some key aspects of active listening:

  • Pay attention: Give your full attention to the speaker and avoid distractions.
  • Show that you're listening: Use body language, such as nodding and maintaining eye contact, to show that you are engaged.
  • Provide feedback: Summarize or paraphrase what the speaker has said to ensure understanding.
  • Defer judgment: Allow the speaker to finish before offering your thoughts or opinions.
  • Respond appropriately: Respond in a way that is respectful and relevant to the conversation.

Active listening is not just about hearing words; it's about understanding the complete message being conveyed. This skill can significantly improve your ability to communicate effectively and build meaningful connections with others.

2. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. This skill is crucial in the workplace as it helps build strong relationships and fosters a supportive environment. Employers highly value empathy because it shows emotional intelligence and the ability to connect with others on a deeper level.

Some ways to show empathy in the workplace include:

  • Being aware of other people’s feelings and perspectives.
  • Listening with patience and understanding.
  • Responding with sensitivity and compassion.
  • Asking questions to clarify someone else’s experience.
  • Avoiding making assumptions about others’ feelings.
  • Never talking down to someone.

Including examples of giving feedback or supporting a coworker can highlight your empathy on your resume.

Empathy, compassion, and respect are essential qualities for professionals in every industry, especially at the management level. When you include empathy on your resume, you demonstrate that you can not only understand but also share in the emotions of others. This makes you a valuable team member who can help create a positive and productive work environment.

3. Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is a key skill that involves using words to share information. This can happen in face-to-face conversations, over the phone, or even in meetings. Being able to speak clearly and concisely is crucial for making sure your message is understood.

Key Aspects of Verbal Communication

  • Clarity: Make sure your words are clear and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or complex words that might confuse the listener.
  • Active Listening: Pay attention to what others are saying and respond thoughtfully. This shows that you value their input and are engaged in the conversation.
  • Feedback: Giving and receiving feedback is an important part of verbal communication. It helps improve understanding and performance.

Good verbal communication skills can make a big difference in how effectively you can share your ideas and collaborate with others.

Incorporating these skills into your resume can highlight your ability to communicate effectively, which is a valuable asset in any job.

4. Written Communication

Written communication is essential for conveying your message clearly and effectively in a professional setting. This skill is crucial in today's digital world, where much of our communication happens through writing.

Effective written communication involves several key components:

  1. Clarity and Conciseness: Your writing should be straightforward and to the point. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex words.
  2. Proper Grammar and Spelling: Using correct grammar and spelling is vital for maintaining professionalism.
  3. Editing and Proofreading: Always review your work to catch any errors and ensure it is polished.

Written communication can take many forms, including emails, reports, memos, and instant messages. Each form requires a slightly different approach, but the core principles remain the same.

Good written communication not only conveys your message but also builds a connection with your audience. It serves as a record that people can refer back to, ensuring clarity and understanding.

Including strong written communication skills on your resume can make you stand out to employers. Tailor your resume to highlight these skills, as they are highly valued in almost every job role.

5. Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is a crucial part of how we interact with others. In fact, more than 70 percent of our communication happens without words. This includes body language, facial expressions, and even the tone of our voice.

Key Nonverbal Communication Skills

  • Reading body language: Understanding the nonverbal cues of those around us is essential for effective communication.
  • Using facial expressions: Our faces can show a lot about how we feel, even when we don't speak.
  • Maintaining eye contact: Without eye contact, it can be hard to build trust and rapport with others.

Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. It helps convey emotions and intentions, making our interactions more meaningful.

By mastering nonverbal communication, you can improve your overall communication skills and make a positive impression in any situation.

6. Confidence


Confidence is a key communication skill that can greatly impact your professional interactions. When you communicate with confidence, you convey your message clearly and effectively, reducing the chances of misunderstandings.

Professionals who are confident can express their ideas and opinions openly, which is essential in team meetings and discussions. This doesn't mean being overbearing, but rather having a healthy sense of self-assurance.

Some ways to show confidence in the workplace include:

  • Standing up for yourself and your beliefs.
  • Speaking up in meetings and group discussions.
  • Sharing your ideas and opinions openly.
  • Being assertive without being aggressive.
  • Accepting feedback gracefully.

Confidence in communication is one of the essential soft skills every job seeker should highlight on their resume. It demonstrates your ability to convey your thoughts clearly and efficiently, making you a valuable team member.

To showcase your confidence on your resume, you might highlight a time when you gave a presentation or took charge of a project. This will show potential employers that you are capable of leading and communicating effectively.

7. Clarity and Directness

Clear and direct communication is a vital skill in any workplace. It ensures that messages are understood and tasks are completed correctly. Here are some ways to be clear and direct in your communication:

  • Speak in a clear, concise manner.
  • Use "I" statements.
  • Avoid ambiguity or vagueness in your language.
  • Give specific examples to illustrate your point.
  • Ask for clarification if you’re unsure about something.
  • Listen carefully to ensure you understand what’s being said.

Clear communication is a key part of any successful workplace, so make sure it’s included on your resume with the rest of your work-related skills.

8. Conflict Management and Resolution

Conflict is a part of life, especially at work. If you can handle conflicts well, it's a big plus for your resume. Employers want to know that you can solve problems between people at work. This helps keep everyone happy and working well together.

Why It's Important

Good conflict resolution skills mean you can keep the peace and make sure everyone gets along. This is important because it helps the team work better and get more done.

How to Show It

Here are some ways to show your conflict management skills on your resume:

  • Talk about a time you solved a big problem at work.
  • Mention any training or courses you took on conflict resolution.
  • Highlight any awards or praise you got for keeping the peace at work.

Being good at solving conflicts shows you can handle tough situations and keep the team working well together.

Tips for Your Resume

  • Use action verbs like "resolved," "mediated," or "negotiated."
  • Be specific about what you did and the results.
  • Tailor your skills to the job description to make sure you stand out.

9. Friendliness

Being friendly might seem simple, but it's a key skill for building strong workplace relationships. Employers value friendliness because it helps create a positive work environment.

Friendliness can be shown in many ways:

  • Greeting people warmly when you see them.
  • Offering help or assistance when you can.
  • Asking questions about others’ interests and hobbies.
  • Taking an interest in new coworkers.
  • Celebrating birthdays and workplace milestones.

Remember, employers want to see your humanity, not just your higher education or long list of talents. Instead, be confident and reasonably friendly during the job interview, and show the hiring manager how good your communication skills are.

10. Respect

Respect in communication means valuing others' viewpoints and maintaining a courteous demeanor. It is essential for building trust and fostering positive relationships in the workplace. Here are some simple ways to show respect:

  • Listen without interrupting.
  • Show appreciation for others' ideas and contributions.
  • Communicate in a way that respects cultural and individual differences.
  • Use polite and respectful language.
  • Maintain a positive attitude even during disagreements.

Respectfully communicating also means using your time with someone else wisely — staying on topic, asking clear questions, and responding fully to any questions.

By sharing examples where you navigated diverse opinions and kept professional relationships, you can demonstrate your respectfulness effectively on your resume.

Respect is a key value that everyone should practice. It means treating others the way you want to be treated. When you show respect, you build trust and create a positive environment.


In today's job market, communication skills are just as important as technical know-how. Employers are looking for candidates who can listen well, express themselves clearly, and work well with others. By highlighting these skills on your resume, you show that you're not just capable of doing the job, but also of fitting into the team and contributing to a positive work environment. So, take the time to showcase your top communication skills, and you'll be one step closer to landing your dream job.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is active listening?

Active listening means fully focusing on what someone is saying, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully. It’s more than just hearing words; it’s about being engaged and showing that you care about the conversation.

Why is empathy important in communication?

Empathy helps you understand and share the feelings of others. This makes it easier to connect with people, build relationships, and resolve conflicts. Employers value empathy because it fosters a positive work environment.

How can I show verbal communication skills on my resume?

To highlight verbal communication skills, include examples where you effectively conveyed information or persuaded others. Mention instances like leading meetings, giving presentations, or resolving customer complaints.

What are some examples of nonverbal communication?

Nonverbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, eye contact, and gestures. For example, nodding to show agreement, maintaining eye contact to show interest, or using hand gestures to emphasize points.

Why is confidence important in communication?

Confidence helps you express your ideas clearly and assertively. It shows that you believe in what you're saying, which can make others more likely to listen and take you seriously. Confidence can also help reduce misunderstandings.

How can I improve my written communication skills?

To improve written communication, practice writing regularly, read more to expand your vocabulary, and seek feedback on your writing. You can also take courses or workshops focused on writing skills.